Let’s Not Give Up on the Constitution – Amendment Is a Better Solution

Rather than justifying a free-for-all of constiutional disobedience as recently advocated by Professor Louis Seidman, we should use the amendment process to update the Constitution if needed. And if amendment is too difficult, let’s reform it to allow constitutional change to proceed in a democratic and orderly manner. . . . → Read More: Let’s Not Give Up on the Constitution – Amendment Is a Better Solution

Can the “Amendment Amendment” be Enacted?, or a Progressive-Tea Party alliance, are you kidding?

Of course, the “amendment amendment” would have to be added to the Constitution under the existing Article V procedures.  If Congress can not be trusted to pass constitutional amendments limiting its governmental power, why would two-thirds of both houses approve a constitutional amendment which will end Congress’ de facto monopoly on initiating constitutional amendments?  Here a . . . → Read More: Can the “Amendment Amendment” be Enacted?, or a Progressive-Tea Party alliance, are you kidding?