Why the Electoral College is Not in Tom Perez’ Constitution

The DNC chairman’s misstatement was not an inadvertent error. In fact, it reflected an attitude toward the Constitution which is common in the modern Left. . . . → Read More: Why the Electoral College is Not in Tom Perez’ Constitution

The Gay Marriage Cases Are Not About Gay Marriage: The Issue Is Survival of Government by The People

The gay marriage cases before the Supreme Court represent a classic example of judges twisting constitutional language to impose their personal policy views on the nation. There is no basis in any constitutional language for forcing gay marriage on the nation, regardless of its possible merits as social policy. If these merits are so persuasive that gay marriage belongs in the Constitution, the solution is not the anti-democratic process of forcing it on the nation through judicial dictate. The solution is the democratic process of amendment. If amendment is too difficult, let us preserve democratic rule by modest reforms of the amendment process such as the Amendment Amendment, not by continuing our current system of judicial imperialism. . . . → Read More: The Gay Marriage Cases Are Not About Gay Marriage: The Issue Is Survival of Government by The People